Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week 1: Observations

After placing the natural spring water and approximately 2 centimeters of mud along the bottom of the aquarium from Carter Mill Park, I then placed the Amblestegium moss and Utricularia gibba L. flowering carnivous plant into the aquarium apparatus. As I examined the aquarium under the microscope there were multiple multicellular organisms swimming around. All the organisms were swimming around franticly in the mud and from leaf to leaf on both of the plants that I was unable to acquire a close look to be able to identify this type of multicellular organism. The next time I observe my Micro Aquarium the organisms should have calmed down and settled into their new environment for me to get a close look to verify what type of organisms they are (Evert and Eichhorn) (McFarland and Cook).

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